
Friday, November 10, 2006

Continuum running and configured in 20 minutes

Having been nagged by gump for ages, I've been reluctant to use a continuous integration system, at least until a few days ago. Notwithstanding my conservative attitude, colleagues have patiently and convincingly explained that having an automated system building and testing my projects, was a good thing. Taking their word, I've installed Continuum in about 5 minutes and had it configured for SLF4J and logback projects in about 15, of which most were spent entering the correct "scm" incantations in the relevant Maven2 project (pom.xml) files.

I am still not completely sold to the idea of continuous integration (CI). As I understand it, in practice, continuum will check out the latest sources from source repository, build and run the test on the CI machine, and notify our team if anything goes wrong. Already at this early stage, Continuum feels like a new member of our team. The question is whether this new member is worth the maintenance. However, from the little experience gained in the last few days, Continuum seems to do what it is supposed to do without getting in the way. A new build is done only if the contents of the source repository change, and notifications are sent only when the latest build results differ from the previous one.

In short, once you've sold your soul to M2, continuous integration via Continuum is a piece of cake.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Solution to the Maven2 version number problem

In the past few days, I've ranted profusely about the difficulty of changing version numbers of modules in Maven2. As things stand currently, when a module references its parent, it must explicitly state the parent's version in hard-coded form. Once that import is done, the natural thing to do is to define the current module's version by the version of the parent. The down side is that, when the parent version changes, this must be reflected on all child modules. If your project makes simultaneous releases of all its modules in one sweep, as many projects seem to do, then you must manually change the version number of each module by changing the version number of the parent reference in each module. This is a time consuming and error prone process at best.

I recently experimented with a solution to the above problem. It's now part of the SLF4J project (which has 10 or so modules).

The idea is to declare the version number for the whole project as a property, namely "aversion" (pun intended), in the parent pom. The parent pom's own version number can be anything as long as it ends with "SNAPSHOT".

Here is an excerpt from SLF4J parent pom:

Child modules' version is specified via the ${aversion} property. Children's reference to their parent's version is hard coded. However, since the parent pom's version is a SNAPSHOT, child modules will see the changes in the parent pom. In particular, if the parent pom changes the value of ${aversion}, the children will see the change.

Here is the pom.xml file for the slf4j-api module.

<name>SLF4J API Module</name>

Unless I've missed something, this hack seems to work just fine. I would be interested to know whether there is a downside it.