
Friday, June 29, 2007

GIT vs Subversion

Linus Torvalds recently (2007-05-05) gave a presentation about GIT at Google. The video of the presentation is available on youtube.

In this particular presentation, I found Linus to be opinionated and rather unconvincing. He is extremely critical of CVS and Subversion. While GIT may be well-adapted to Linux's development model, I believe Subversion get the job done in other environments.

Martin Tomes, in his comments about GIT, nails the point. GIT and Subversion aim at different development models. While not perfect, the classical (centralized) model works well in both large and small projects, open-source or not.

The GIT project publishes a detailed albeit biased comparison between GIT and Subversion. The comparison makes a convincing case on why GIT offers better support for merges. The same page also mentions that the user interface for Subversion is better.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Selling YAGNI

I am quite fond of the YAGNI principle because it helps me concentrate on the essentials of the application currently under development. Another explanation is that I am getting lazier with age.

YAGNI tends to sell well with developers. It prunes needless work. However, with customers who ask for features, the YAGNI principle does not sit quite as well. People in general do not appreciate their decisions to be questioned and YAGNI can be resumed to one question. "Do you really need this feature?" The answer is often yes, forcing the skeptic in me to repeat the question in perhaps a modified form. Most people, customers included, do not like to be challenged, especially if done with some insistence.

Pruning requirements to mere essentials takes both work and courage. In the eyes of the customer, the alternative, i.e. asking for potentially useless features, may often look both easier and less risky.

I try to use the arguments as advocated in the c2 wiki, the feature that is implemented by anticipation now may be radically different than the feature actually needed in the future.

So how do you apply the YAGNI principle in a real-world environment? What are the arguments that may sway your customers or fellow developers?