
Sunday, September 02, 2007

Yet another choice

Recent adoption of the SLF4J API by Tapestry and Howard's blog on the subject has triggered a frenzy of comments, most of which were very favorable with the exception of Dion Almaer. Dion ridicules the unholy habit we J2EE developers have of trying to abstract every little API we might come into contact with.

I am inclined to agree with Dion but for different reasons. Writing a good abstraction layer for two or more distinct systems takes serious effort. I'd go as far as declaring that the task is impossible unless the systems in question are very similar or owners of these systems unconditionally submit to the authority of the abstraction layer.

In the case of log4j and java.util.logging (JUL), Jakarta commons-logging (JCL) was only able to partially abstract the underlying APIs because their core APIs are similar both conceptually and structurally. However, JCL was not able to abstract parts below the core API. For example, the JCL does not offer any help with respect to configuration of the underlying logging system. SLF4J fares only a little better, in that it offers abstractions for both MDC and Marker, in addition to the core logging API.

JDBC can be cited counter example of a successful abstraction layer. However, it is successful insofar as the RDMS providers submit to the authority of JDBC specification. They all go out of their way to implement a driver compatible with the latest version of the JDBC specification. Moreover, RDMS applications already share a similar structure by way of SQL.

When the systems differ substantially, it is nearly impossible to bridge the gap. Is there an abstraction layer bridging relational and OO databases? I think not. The relational/OO impedance mismatch gave birth to major development efforts. Take Hibernate for instance. Would you dream of writing Hibernate as a weekend project?

So why did JCL, with all its warts, catch on like wildfire? Because JCL provides a convenient answer to the log4j vs. JUL dilemma faced by authors of most Java libraries. The dilemma does not exist in other languages because there usually is one predominant logging system for the language. In Java we have log4j getting most of the mindshare, with JUL looming in the background, not much used but not ignorable either -- hence the dilemma.

Anyway, Dion has a point. We, in the J2EE community, do indeed waste too much time dabbling in secondary matters such as logging, but we only do so because we have the luxury of choice. We can chose between log4j, logback or JUL as our logging system. We can choose between Ant, Ivy or Maven for our builds. We can choose between Eclipse, IDEA and Netbeans for our IDE. We can choose between JSF, Tapestry, Spring, Struts or Wicket as our web-application framework.

Making choices takes time and effort but it also exerts a powerful attraction on our psyche. When presented with the choice, programmers (to the extent that we programmers can be assimilated to humans) will prefer the situation where we can choose between multiple options than the situation when we are presented with only one option.

Java presents us with more choices than any other language, probably because it is also the most successful language in history. Of course, you already know that successful does not necessarily mean best.

Anyway, I am quite happy see SLF4J being adopted so massively.

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